Saturday, March 30, 2024

How do grid-tied solar systems work?

Grid-tied solar systems - also known as on-grid solar - are the most popular kind of solar panel system in America. Here's how they work for a typical home. The beauty of a
grid-tied solar system is that it creates a two-way relationship between your home and the grid. In addition to importing power from the grid (as you already do), you can also export power to it. This means that during the day - when your solar panels are producing plenty of surplus power - you can actually export (i.e. sell) power to the grid. Your power exports earn you bill credits from the utility, dramatically reducing your power bill. The savings can be huge: you could see electricity usage charges of $0 for the year. Watch the video to see how a grid-tied solar system operates over the course of a day. LEARN MORE Get an estimate: This calculator shows you how much solar panels for your home will cost, as well as how much money you stand to save: Read about net metering: This is the amazing incentive that allows you to sell electricity at the same rate you buy it for:

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

What Sized Solar Panels to Buy?

Investing in solar power in Hobart is the best decision that any homeowner can make. Not only do you have peace of mind by reducing your carbon footprint, but your annual energy expenditure is a lot lower.

Even with the cost of quality solar products factored into the equation, investing in residential solar is a no brainer for Australians.

The question that many homeowners ask is what size solar panels would work best in their home. Since most people do not know the ins and outs of solar panel technology, they rely on the experts to tell them the ideal product.

Rather than trusting someone else, you should have all the facts.

Assess Your Energy Bill

Before you make any decisions about the size of the quality solar products you will pick, assess your present energy usage. There should be a graph on your bill that shows your daily usage.

If you have a three-bedroom house in Australia and you are energy efficient, your usage should be around 15 kWh to 25kWh per day. Considering average daylight levels, a 1kW solar system would result in 5kWh of energy each day. That means a family in the above scenario may want a 5kW solar panel system installed for them.

Estimate Daylight Usage

Another factor to think about when assessing the savings with solar power in Hobart is your ability to take advantage of the energy your solar panels are generating. While Tasmanians can sell back their unused solar energy to the grid, you are saving the most money by using that energy directly.

Think about the way you live. Are you using a lot of energy in the daytime hours on weekdays and weekends? If the answer is yes, then you will want a larger solar panel system so that it can keep up with your energy usage.

Families that use more energy at night may want to go for the smallest possible system. They would still see a long term benefit by going with solar over electricity for all their energy needs, but do not need to invest in a bigger system if they are not using most of that produced energy themselves.

Assess Your Budget

The final step in determining the ideal sized solar system for your home is to assess your budget. A significant advantage with investing in solar is that companies in Australia offer payment plans with very little interest to homeowners for this purpose.

With next to no upfront cost, you only have to assess how much money you can afford to spend on this installation. Factor in the money you would save by having lower energy bills, and you can arrive at a figure that indicates the size of solar system you can afford.

Connect With a Professional

Analysing the way you use energy, when you use power the most, and how much money you can spend on solar panels will help you decide if a 5kWh, 10kWh or even larger solar panel system is the right fit for your use case.

The final step is to find a seasoned professional in your area that handles solar installations. They can show you the various models in stock, pricing, and details regarding payment plans.

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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Should You Go Solar? A Super Helpful Beginner's Guide to Home Solar Power

In this video, we’re taking a closer look at solar power systems for homes. Solar power is often associated with living off-grid, but surprisingly there are a lot more people installing solar panels on homes that are connected to the grid. We met up with Albert from iSolara to learn about: - Why people are installing solar at home: cost savings, sustainability, security - The basic components of a solar power system: solar panel, inverter, racking system, battery - Installation options for panels: roof mount, ground mount - Costs and money-saving opportunities like net metering - Important considerations including some of the risks to keep in mind when going solar: snow, ice, orientation, location To find out more about iSolara, you can check out their website here:

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Solar Butler - Who We Are

Located in Vacaville, CA, Solar Butler LLC was started with the recognition of a growing need for cleaning and maintenance of solar panels in the fast growing solar industry. Our company’s goals are very simple “customer service is number one”. We strive, in all aspects of our business, to make sure each customer is treated like they are our only customer. Now that You have taken the first step in the “Green” direction, Let Solar Butler help You maintain your investment. Driven to deliver a quality product, Our Clients satisfaction is Our top priority. We are family owned and operated and take great care and pride in our work. To keep Your system producing for You, let Solar Butler be your choice to keep Your system clean and running at peak performance.

(707) 448-8222

Monday, March 18, 2024

How to install solar panels at home: A beginner's guide


In the face of escalating environmental concerns and the growing need for sustainable energy sources, the installation of solar panels for homes has emerged as a promising and eco-friendly solution. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) systems, harness sunlight and convert it into electricity. This essay explores the benefits, process, and implications of installing solar panels for residential use. Benefits of Solar Panels for Home: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Source: Solar panels tap into an infinite and renewable resource—the sun. Unlike fossil fuels that are finite and contribute to environmental degradation, solar energy is a clean and sustainable alternative. Reduced Electricity Bills: One of the most significant advantages of installing solar panels at home is the potential for substantial cost savings on electricity bills. Solar energy allows homeowners to generate their electricity, reducing dependence on the grid and providing an opportunity to sell excess energy back to the utility company. Environmental Impact: Solar panels generate electricity without producing harmful emissions, reducing the carbon footprint associated with conventional energy sources. By choosing solar power, homeowners contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting a healthier environment. Energy Independence: Solar panels provide a degree of energy independence, allowing homeowners to generate their power and become less reliant on external energy sources. This independence can be especially valuable during power outages or emergencies. Government Incentives and Tax Credits: Many governments offer incentives, rebates, and tax credits to encourage the adoption of solar energy. These financial benefits can significantly offset the initial investment in solar panel installation, making it a more attractive option for homeowners. Installation Process: Site Assessment: Before installing solar panels, a thorough site assessment is conducted to determine the suitability of the location. Factors such as sunlight exposure, shading, and roof orientation are evaluated to optimize energy production. System Design: Based on the site assessment, a customized solar panel system is designed to meet the specific energy needs of the home. The system design includes the number and placement of solar panels, inverters, and other necessary components. Permitting and Approvals: Obtaining the required permits and approvals from local authorities is a crucial step in the installation process. This ensures compliance with building codes and regulations. Installation of Solar Panels: Trained professionals install the solar panels on the roof or other suitable locations. The installation involves mounting the panels, connecting wiring, and integrating the system with the home's electrical infrastructure. Connection to the Grid: In many cases, residential solar panel systems are connected to the grid. This allows homeowners to draw electricity from the grid when needed and sell excess energy back to the grid, creating a two-way flow of electricity. Implications and Future Outlook: The installation of solar panels for home energy marks a significant shift toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy landscape. As technology continues to advance, solar panels are becoming more efficient and affordable, making them increasingly accessible to a wider range of homeowners. While the initial cost of installation may be a deterrent for some, the long-term benefits, coupled with government incentives, make solar panels a sound investment. As more households embrace solar energy, the collective impact on the environment and energy infrastructure can be substantial. In conclusion, the installation of solar panels for home energy represents a positive step toward a greener and more sustainable future. It empowers homeowners to contribute to the fight against climate change, reduce electricity costs, and achieve a greater level of energy independence. As the world continues to transition to cleaner energy sources, the adoption of solar panels at the individual level plays a vital role in shaping a more sustainable and resilient energy ecosystem

Friday, March 15, 2024

Should You Clean Your Solar Panels? Before/After Testing!

Should You Clean Your Solar Panels? Before/After Testing!
⇨ Sponsor: Corsair Hydro X Series Liquid Cooling -
Does cleaning your solar panels help? How about just hosing them down? Do they need a good scrub? I do my best to answer these questions in this much-requested video -- testing my panels before and after cleaning them. Jump to Results: 6:40 Tesla Solar + Powerwall Playlist:    • MORE POWER! My Te...   Solar + Powerwall Review, 1 Year Later -    • TESLA Solar and P...   Please note that links above may be affiliate links -- clicking them earns me a small commission if you make a purchase and helps support my YouTube channel. Thank you! ▷ MY STORE - shirts, mugs, pint glasses & hoodies

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Rise Of Solar Power

Solar power is on the rise. You can see the evidence on rooftops and in the desert, where utility-scale solar plants are popping up. The picture is not all rosy, but if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected. Elon Musk and Tesla promised solar roof tiles in 2016, but the industry might not need an upgrade as its grown significantly with the solar panels currently available. You can see the evidence both on individual rooftops and in the utility-scale solar plants increasingly popping up in deserts across the country. In the United States, of all about 30% of the new power capacity added to the grid in 2018 was from solar. But the picture is not all rosy. Solar power (and sunshine) is intermittent and the price of lithium ion batteries, one of the most popular current storage solutions, is still relatively high. These are real problems that the industry needs to tackle if solar is going to reach its potential. However, if the recent past is any indication, solar power is going to help lead the transition to a carbon-free future, and it might do it faster than we all expected. Watch the video to learn more. » Subscribe to CNBC: